The CSD Forums at

This is it! The official Forum for Computer Studies Department members. Everybody is welcomed! It's easy to be a member. Just be active and post proper topics. To register, click here.

Here are the following rules regarding the CSD Official Forum:

1. Foul and vulgar words are not welcome here. We are educated people and we know what we shouldn't say whatever we feel, either good or bad.
2. Keep in mind our fellow student in this forum. We should respect others thoughts and ideas, so others will also respect us.
3. No Pornography here. This is a forum, not a porn site.
4. No double-posting, spamming, & flaming.
5. Please keep in mind of copyrighted resources. Be sure that if ever, you, the forum user, ever use a copyrighted material make sure that you have the author's approval to use whatever file, picture, article, etc.

Other guidelines will be posted as time goes by. So check out this post often. Thank You!

- The Admin Team (CSD Weavers)